Annandale Theatre Boosters
Behind every ATC play and musical, there is a dedicated team of parents and community members hard at work ensuring that each show has what it needs to be successful. It takes a village to put on each production!
The mission of the Annandale Theatre Boosters is to support ATC and our high school theatre arts program through the donation of much-needed funds as well as our volunteer time and talents. We serve as an important communications channel between our teachers, administrators, and parents on all show-related functions and activities.
Annandale Theatre Boosters:
Support ATC’s participation in the CAPPIES;
Raise funds to purchase equipment, supplies, and subsidize field trips;
Sponsor activities to provide our students with additional performance opportunities;
Provide mentoring as well as “sweat equity” in creating sets, props, and costumes;
Help publicize all events and produce show programs;
Manage the front of house for all shows (selling tickets, managing concessions, etc.);
Offer hospitality to our cast, crew, and teachers (donating healthy snacks and meals for long rehearsals dates and shows)
Become a Booster today and support our wonderful students, their dedicated teachers, and our amazing theatre arts program! Together we can accomplish great things!